Group classes & individual sessions

Group classes

and individual


Unlock the journey to nurturing your puppy into a cherished companion that everyone eagerly wishes to meet.

Group Training

East Fremantle

Embark on a tailored training journey: Three stages expertly crafted to nurture your puppy’s growth, from youthful days to mature adulthood.

1:1 Training

Home Visits

Dive into specialised programs for fresh puppy parents or those addressing unwanted behaviors. Discover the path to a harmonious bond with your furry companion.

About K9 Care

Since its inception in 2010, K9 Care has been a beacon for over 3,500 clients, guiding them towards building deeper, more joyful connections with their dogs.

At K9 Care, I emphasise modern, positive training techniques. These methods aren’t just simple and enjoyable; they’re incredibly effective, ensuring every dog parent feels confident and connected.

My passion for understanding our canine companions led me to pursue studies in Animal Behaviour & Training at the Challenger Institute of Technology in Murdoch. As the sole owner-operator of K9 Care, I personally ensure that each dog and their owner experience the joy of effective training.

Registered Professional Dog Trainer.

Recommended Dog Trainer

Part proceeds from all courses are donated to the Shenton Park Dogs Refuge Home.

Through group training and individual sessions, I’ve had the privilege of guiding hundreds of pet parents and their rehomed dogs. My focus is on laying a solid foundation to ensure these dogs enjoy a bright future in their forever homes.